
Tsoku Woman Agenda

Tsoku woman Agenda is an online community created to nurture, inspire and empower future leaders  to help them find their purpose. We respect your privacy and will never share your details with any third parties.

Our Vision is seeing everyone live up to fulfill their purpose and finding the leader within themselves. Once that happens, you become in control of your own life and make decisions that puts you first ,benefits you first before you look after others, being your family members, your employees or those you lead in the workplace etc. Legend has it that fill your cup first before you pour out for others..

The name “tsoku” is derived from the setswana language name “le-tsoku” meaning the clay ochre. Letsoku/ochre was important in the ancient world to be used as a dye, on artefacts, decorative paintings….

In life we will always be writers of ideas and they remain dreams until we execute them. We have learnt that whatever ideas we have it is more rewarding to start today/now because noone has guaranteed us a tomorrow. The corona virus pandemic set an example for the whole world about how unpredictable life events can be

  • Dr Lebogang Ponatshego CEO/Creative Director                      -registered & practising Dentist 

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